The numerous lakes combined with the stunning winter scenery might just make this the best activity that Stockholm has to offer. Take your chance to try Nordic skating on your visit to the capital and have fun in a beautiful winter setting.
Stockholm is not just the best location for ice skating in Sweden, but one of the best places in the world! Don't miss out on our fantastic skating environment if you have skated before or if you are an enthusiast.
PRIVATE TRIP - The numerous lakes combined with the stunning winter scenery might just make this the best activity that Stockholm has to offer. Take your chance to try Nordic skating on your visit and have fun in a beautiful winter setting.
PRIVATE TRIP - Stockholm is not just the best location for ice skating in Sweden, but one of the best places in the world! Don't miss out on our fantastic skating environment if you have skated before or if you are an enthusiast.
PRIVATE TRIP - Includes 2 days of skating! We ice skate over i.e. Mälaren and arrive to to our castle-ish lakeside hotel for the night.The next days we'll be out on the ice again! Slide over frozen lakes clear as a window.
PRIVATE TRIP - Includes 3 days of skating! We ice skate over i.e. Mälaren and arrive to to our castle-ish lakeside hotel for the night.The next days we'll be out on the ice again! Slide over frozen lakes clear as a window.
Includes 4 days of skating! We ice skate over i.e. Mälaren and arrive to to our castle-ish lakeside hotel for the night. Over the next days we'll be out on the ice again! Slide over frozen lakes clear as a window.
Includes 3 days of skating! We ice skate over i.e. Mälaren and arrive to to our castle-ish lakeside hotel for the night. Over the next days we'll be out on the ice again! Slide over frozen lakes clear as a window.
PRIVATE TRIP - Includes 4 days of skating! We ice skate over i.e. Mälaren and arrive to to our castle-ish lakeside hotel for the night.The next days we'll be out on the ice again! Slide over frozen lakes clear as a window.
Nordic Ice Skating at night could truly be called a Song of Ice and Fire. Embrace the Swedish winter night. Skate on a frozen lake, and let the firelit torches show you the way.